Friday, 26 February 2010

The future of journalism will be...

Well, I can't be sure. I can, however, make a pretty decent attempt, and have a good old intelligent guess!

The way the industry is going at the moment, it would seem that the future of journalism lies on the Internet. All newspaper's now publish their articles on the Internet, and due to the Internet's convenience, people are turning to their computers for the news.

But what is there to say that people are going to go on like this forever. I think the newspaper is a fantastic thing. I love sitting on the bus or the train and flicking through the paper. I also love catching the person sat next to me see an article that takes their fancy and try and sneak a read! I love forgetting that I've got newspaper ink all over my fingers and rubbing my face to leave a beautiful black smudge.

None of this can happen if people continue to use the Internet for their source of news. Sure it's easier to access, and it's free, but so what. It's still the same news.

People are spending more and more time sat behind computers wasting their lives. I do it. And I hate myself for it. The world is a fantastic place. I love just wandering around, looking at the different people that are pottering about, living their lives.

This, I feel, is the best way of both gaining and spreading news. At the end of the day, I put being a truly successful journalist down to whoever had the most amount of luck, and happens to be in the right place, at the right time.

So. The Internet, I feel, is the future of the industry. Sites like Facebook and Twitter mean that the process of gaining news can be done so much easier just by sitting around and waiting for things to happen. Sure, you need to know where to look, and who to ask, but it still all boils down to getting that illusive slice of luck, from the pie of life.

There is also the comedy answer to this question, which is as follows.

The future of journalism will be...well, me.


  1. Yeah I would agree with everything really. Well written and easy to read. Good Blog and looking forward to reading more!

  2. "I love just wandering around, looking at the different people that are pottering about, living their lives"

    This still makes me laugh. Haha.
    Good post though and I agree with everything you've said. I'd love to see more. :)
